Sunday, January 21, 2007

Samsung breaking own record with Ultra Edition 5.9

In the cellphone game, just how thin is too thin? If you're Samsung, the answer apparently lies somewhere south of the 5.9 millimeters put up by its latest fashion accessory, the appropriately named "Ultra Edition 5.9." For the record, that's a solid millimeter less than the previous world's thinnest, Samsung's own X820 -- the phone allegedly shown snapping helplessly in two on video under fairly minimal pressure. Of course, the authenticity of said video has been repeatedly called into question, but either way, we're hoping this new one has been fabbed with some pretty crazy space-age resins and polymers that'll keep it from multiplying in our pockets. Specs include a tri-band GSM, a 3.2 megapixel cam, Bluetooth, and 80MB of onboard storage. Look for the record-smashing Ultra Edition 5.9 to start gracing European pockets bulge-free some time in March.

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