Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Konami brings GoPets to DS

It may sound like a cross between two of Nintendo's favourite DS games, but Konami's new pet community game GoPets has actually been available on the Internet since 2004. First launched in South Korea, the social networking/ virtual pet game enables you to create your own weird-looking cat or dog, which inhabits your PC, developing a personality, hobbies and learning tricks the more time you spend with it. As is the way of such beings however, their main reason to live is to be lavished with gifts from their supposed masters, so you'll spend your time (and in-game cash – in this case is based around coloured shells), kitting your pet out with everything from clothes to cars, planes and bathtubs. Still, they are sociable beings and will happily interact with other GoPets, using their special IKU picture language to talk and dancing their funny little dances. Users can also communicate via email and instant messaging services within the game. Perhaps the most significant thing about the GoPets is that they love to explore and visit like-minded people's computers. It's also something that happens regularly if you don't give your pet the proper care and attention (although technically, you can't kill them off with neglect). Konami plans to bring all these features within the purview of its DS version of the PC game, (called GoPets: Vacation Island), with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection providing the backbone communications network for swapping GoPets and socialising with other DS pet owners around the world. A travel journal will be included so you can keep track of all your new chums, too. For those without regular access to wi-fi, GoPets: Vacation Island will also have a single player mode that will feature one-of-a-kind pets that can only be created within its island environment, as well as various mini-games. One of Konami's most ambitious DS games of 2007, GoPets: Vacation Island won't be available until the autumn.

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